Saving a game

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You can save game or position, after entering the game details, in a database. Use the Save Game or the Save Game As function from the File menu. The first function overwrites a existing game in the database. If there is more then one database open, the program asks in which database to save to game.
In the “Game details” dialog a great deal of information can be entered and attached to a game.


There are two types of fields:

§        Key-fields, these contain text that can be searched with the Filter function. Key fields are:
         User key
         White players name
         Black players name

§        Information fields, these are all the remaining fields where additional text can be typed. It is recommended to always use the comments field, since they can be used to describe a game as YOU prefer it.

Games can be saved Normal or Compressed. The normal format saves the time played for each move, using eight bytes per move against one byte per move for the compressed format. The compressed format uses a different move coding, taking a (very) little bit more time to regenerate a game. Since disk-space is valuable, use the compressed format where possible.


Alternatively, since version 5.4 it is possible to save a game directly in a PGN file without first opening it as database. The Save Game As PGN funtion from the File menu directly stores the current game in a PGN file, overwritting or creating a new file. The Append Game To PGN menu appends the current game at the end of the selected PGN file. To read back games saved this way it is still necessary to open the PGN file as database. See previous section.