Loading a game from the database is easy, just double click on the line containing the game you want to view and the game is loaded. The database window is automatically minimized, the moves list window contains the moves and the chessboard is moved to the start of the game. You can now navigate through the moves in the game, continue playing the game etc.
When the database contains many games, you may want to search only part of the games. For this purpose select the Games filter function. In the games filter dialog you can set various search conditions.
The Date range option holds a number of ways to select games and accepts the following formats:
DD/MM/YYYY (Day / Month / Year)
*All games played on that specific day.
*All games of a certain Month.
??/??/YYYY or YYYY
*Games from an entire Year.
DD/MM/YYYY - DD/MM/YYYY (from - to)
*Games played in the time span.
YYYY - YYYY (from - to)
*Games played in these years.
Mixing formats is also possible, an example; 1922 - 31/6/1928
Searching by date value through the database does not use a key or index. The files will be searched sequentially and in case of large files may take up longer periods of time.
Searching a database on date is usually not a ‘key search’ and depends on the type of database in use. In most cases the database needs to be read through sequentially which may take more time for larger files.