Setting the level of play

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A game of Chess can be played with various degrees of difficulty. The level can be set with the help of a dialogue. Select Level... from the Game menu, or press <Ctrl-N> to get the dialogue into view. The various levels are organized in folders, each folder containing specific types of levels. It is also possible to create you own customized levels.

The following standard categories are available:

Fixed time for whole game
For beginners
Levels with time increment
Personal levels
Search depth levels
Search for checkmate
Tournament level

To select a level, just click on one of the folders and select the desired level and click the OK button.

To create a new customized level, first select the folder where you want you new level to appear, then click the New Level button. This inserts a new level in the selected folder, now rename the level to your liking. Next step is to edit the just created level, click the edit button to start the level wizard.

The wizard guides you through a number of pages allowing the setting of various options.

Some additional functions can be accessed by right clicking on a level. The following chapters give a description of the various levels.

Fixed depth

With this level the computer will always calculate a move up to a certain number of ply’s. By selecting the appropriate radio button, you may edit the number of ply’s. Values ranging from 1 through 30 are valid. Any other value entered will not be accepted by the Chess Brain, and an error message is returned if you attempt to set such a depth.

The search depth entered is a so-called brute force depth. On top of this, the computer may do selective extended searches in some cases. The higher the search depth you set, the more time will be required to calculate the move. Given the exponential nature of the algorithm and the current speed of the hardware, a depth of 30 can hardly ever be reached.

Fixed time per move

Unless a Mate, Stalemate, or Draw occurs, the program will play the calculated move when the entered time limit has expired. Values of 15 seconds already produce a "do not under estimate me" opponent.

Average time per move

With this level, the computer will use the amount of time to calculate a move as an approximate. At certain stages in the game the time entered will be exceeded, but never more than five times the value entered.

Time for the whole game

You are given the opportunity to define the total amount of time available for the game. Each player gets that amount to finish the game. When a player fails to move before the clock returns to ‘zero’, he looses the game.

Tournament levels

A tournament level uses a time limit in which a certain amount of moves MUST be played. It is split in two, when the first time limit expires and the required number of moves has been played, the second time limit and move count is activated, this is repeated when needed.


When a digital clock is selected it runs backwards (countdown to 00:00:00). The Analogue Clock ticks forward from a preset position.
Each time the demanded number of moves is reached, the Clock is adjusted to the next time limit.

Search for checkmate

This level is meant to search for Mate positions, and is most likely used on end-games. The value you can enter, as a parameter is the search depth ranging from 1 through 30

Levels with a timebonus

This level operates just as the ‘Fischer Clock’ invented by Chess genius Bobby Fischer and accepted by the World Chess Union. You define the initial time available at the start of the game and the amount added after a move is played. A better spread of time and less change to end up in time trouble is the result. Also, you don’t have to adjust the clock as in other tournament plays. Two samples:

basic time:                        20:00 min.        5:00 min.
bonus time:                         2:30 min.        0:15 min.
                         ----------------        ---------------
total after 60 moves                170:00 min.        20:00 min.

Infinite time

The infinite level is intended for evaluations. The computer will continue to calculate the best move for the given position forever until you force a move (<Ctrl O> or stop the game. Note that when there are still moves in the opening book these will be played instead of calculating one.