In order to play a game against the program, you must use the player’s definition to set Player / Computer. Use the Players ... option from the Game menu to do so. You can choose to play the white or black pieces.
When the player makes the first move, the Computer starts calculating a move. During this process the caption of the Chessboard Window shows that the computer is at play. In this phase you may check the statistics Window for the best variant found so far.
When the computers time is up or the maximum search depth is reached, the best move found so far is played, and an optional beep or sound is generated.
During the player’s turn, the Computer thinks about possible countermoves. This is an option that can be disabled and, of course, affects the strength of the program.
Let the program play white
If you have set the player definition to have the program play the white pieces and the computer had not yet make the first move, use the Start Game function from the Game menu to let the computer play the first move. Alternatively you may select Computer move from the Moves menu, this has the effect of swapping the players definitions.
Taking moves back
Only during the players turn is it possible to take back moves. When the Computer is thinking you must interrupt it by stopping the game or issue an immediate move. The latter can be established by the Immediate selection from the Moves menus or pressing <Ctrl-O>. Both cases will set the players turn.
By pressing <Ctrl-T> or <Ctrl-ß> a single move is taken back. With the mouse the corresponding toolbar button can be clicked for the same action. When the Computer already has done a move, you must take two moves back.
Playing the next best move
During the opening phase of the game, when the program collects move from it’s opening book, you may have the choice of playing an alternate move. An appropriate menu choice is available and a keyboard shortcut <Ctrl-Z>. It is only available immediately after The program plays it’s move and the move came from the opening book or endgame database and there’s at least one alternate move available. As a result, the current move will be taken back and the ‘next best’ is played. Next best moves are circular and you can rotate through all next best moves.
Let the program generate the players move
During the player’s turn, you can let the Computer do the thinking for you by pressing <Ctrl-C> or select Computer Move from the Moves menu. After the move is done, it is the players turn.