The program allows some uses of the Windows clipboard. These functions can be found below the Edit menu. The current moves list, or graphical Chessboard can be copied to the Clipboard. The move list can be copied with or without the annotation texts. The Clipboard's contents can then be used by a text editor to produce reports, etc., in addition of the build in print functions.
The usage of the Clipboard in reverse order is available too!
By putting a move list in ASCII format onto the Clipboard, with NOTEPAD for example, it can be imported move-by-move. Choose the Paste selection It will only be available for selection if an ASCII text format is available on the Clipboard. The notation offered can be either short or long, where the latest has preference since short notation may cause ambiguity. Only moves may be listed, optionally preceded by move number. Annotations, etc. are not supported! Copy a move list to the Clipboard and study the format from the Clipboard by pasting it into a NOTEPAD as a simple Clipboard format.
It is also possible to have a game in full PGN format on the clipboard, this is automatically handled.